Membership of ISNIP is open to professionals (including students) from all disciplines engaged in or supporting functional and structural mapping of the human brain in psychiatry and related fields.
Dues paying members will be eligible for the following major benefits:
- Personal print and electronic subscription for Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (12 printed issues, as well as access to Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging back issues as far back as 1995)
- Reduced registration fees for ISNIP sponsored congresses. This year, the annual meeting is in Munich, Germany, Sept 09-13, 2015 together with the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography and the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society
- Opportunity to apply for ISNIP Young Scientist Award. The award consists of
- Euro 1.000,
- Ambassador Access to ScienceDirect (Elsevier Psychiatry Journals) for the year of the award
- Public indefinite Open Access to the award winning paper
- Complimentary registration at the ISNIP annual meeting for the year of the award
- Opportunity to apply for one of 10 ISNIP Membership Awards. The award consists of:
- One year free membership of ISNIP
- One year print and online subscription to Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (12 printed issues of the year of the award, as well as access Psychiatry Research:Neuroimaging back issues as far back as 1995).
The current membership fee for one year is 150 CHFr.- (approx. 100 €)
Membership Renewal click here
Membership application
New members should send their application (incl. a short CV and mailing address for journal distribution) electronically or by regular mail to:
ISNIP membership office
c/o Dr. O. Pogarell
Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Dept. of Psychiatry, Clinical Neurophysiology
Nussbaumstr. 7
D-80336 Munich, Germany